English Bahasa Malaysia

Have a question?

Tell us how we can help, and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

I have an enquiry about a
2 My enquiry is regarding
2 My enquiry is regarding


3 Details of my enquiry
3 Details of my enquiry


Have an image or file to support your question? (Optional)

Only 1 file of maximum 15MB can be uploaded.

File size exceed 15MB. Please choose a smaller file.
The scammer mobile number should be different from the mobile number that received scam call/SMS
4 My contact details
4 My contact details


Full name is required
Please insert a valid mobile number
Mobile number is required
I cannot use my mobile number
Email is required for Email OTP
Please insert a valid email address

Please enter the one-time password (OTP) sent to your mobile number or email.
Invalid OTP
5 Digital identity verification
5 Digital identity verification

At CelcomDigi, protecting your account security is our highest priority. As your request involves a change in your account settings, additional identity verification is required. Learn about our Data Privacy Policy here .

Scan the QR Code to begin the Digital verification

  1. Scan this QR code with your smartphone camera.
  2. Follow the instructions to perform digital verification.
  3. Upon successful verification, you will receive your ticket ID.

At CelcomDigi, protecting your account security is our highest priority. As your request involves a change in your account settings, additional identity verification is required. Learn about our Data Privacy Policy here .

Click the button below to begin the Digital verification

1. Follow the instructions to perform digital verification.
2. Upon successful verification, you will receive your ticket ID.

Begin EKYC